Thursday, 7 July 2011

Scenery Glitch

I was making this scenery for Mikys Club heeeeeeeeeeello
and this is what came up when i went to save it 

i was soooooo mad because it took me forever to make!

This is what i made

This is for you Miky!!!

1 comment:

  1. Artistic_Rider10 July 2011 at 05:15

    Hey that always comes up when you do club scenerys but no matter what, it would always save even when it says it didn't save. It happens all the time in my club, and as it's a fashion club, i make a mag cover every week and it always says unknown error but always saves.

    :) Add Me Artistic_Rider
    I am a member of your club and please join my clubs
    thanks xxx
