If you are from the UK it should already be in a shake it up bag in your suite. If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, go to goproxing.com or slygeek.com or docoja.com/bluePaste this into the proxy url bar:http://www.stardoll.com/en/Log into stardoll, then leave the proxy. The disco ball should be in a shake it up bag in your suite
If you are from Sweden log into stardoll and click HERE. If you are from anywhere else you'll need to use a proxy, go to facebooksurfing.info or surfaanonymt.se or proxysmart.infoPaste this into the proxy url bar:http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=1420Hit enter and log into stardoll. In the url bar change the link to this:http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/finish.php?id=1420Hit enter again. Once the page has loaded cross off the proxy. The bag will be in a starplaza box in your suite
If you are from the UK just click HERE. If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a proxy, go to goproxing.com or slygeek.com or docoja.com/bluePaste this into the proxy url bar:http://www.stardoll.com/en/Hit enter and log into stardoll. Change the link to:http://www.stardoll.com/en/do/campaign/shakeitup.php?official=trueHit enter. Once you are redirected to a disney shake it up website you can leave the proxy. The spotlight will be in a shake it up bag in your suite.
If you are from the UK join THIS CLUB to get the necklace and THIS CLUB to get the interior. If you are from anywhere else you will need to use one of these manual proxies.. if you don't know how to use manual proxy click HERE to find out.IP Address: Port: 8080 ORIP Address: Port: 80 ORIP Address: Port: 80 ORIP Address: Port: 80 ORIf these don't work for you, check for others HERE
Log into stardoll. Join the club by clicking 'join this club' then 'yes'.
Join the club by clicking 'join this club' then 'yes'.
Once you have joined the clubs you can remove the manual proxy. The gifts will be in a shake it up bag and we love pop bag in your suite
Paste http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=1418 into the URL bar and press enter. Then log into your account.
Next paste http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/finish.php?id=1418 and after that log out and close the proxy.. the hat will be in your suite.
If you are from the UK log into stardoll and click HERE. If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a UK proxy, go to slygeek.com or goproxing.com or docoja.com/bluePaste this into the proxy url bar:http://www.stardoll.com/en/Hit enter and log into stardoll. Change the link to this:http://www.stardoll.com/en/do/campaign/lovepop.php?official=trueHit enter. You will be redirected to the we love pop website. Close off the proxy. The jacket should be in a we love pop bag in your suite
If you are from Mexico log into stardoll and click HERE or if you are a superstar from Italy click HERE. If you are from anywhere else go to proxyweb.com.es (thanks BIS)Paste this into the proxy url bar:http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=1416Hit enter and log into stardoll. In the url bar change the link to this:http://www.stardoll.com/en/contest/finish.php?id=1416Hit enter again. Once the page has loaded cross off the proxy. The top will be in a starplaza bag in your suite
If you are from the UK just join this club. If you are from anywhere else you will need to use a manual proxy. Set your manual proxy to one of these. If you don't know how to set a manual proxy click here to find out how.IP Address: Port: 80 ORIP Address: Port: 80 ORIP Address: Port: 80 ORIf these don't work for you, check for others HERE
Instead of using a manual proxy you could try to use goproxing.com, if it works/doesn't work for you let me know in comments. Thanks AlienCat
Log into stardoll. Join the club by clicking 'Join this club' then 'yes'. Once you've joined the club you can remove the manual proxy
Paste www.stardoll.com into the URL and log in. Then paste www.stardoll.com/en/do/campaign/atom.php?sword=true
You'll be taken to the Atom page.. just close it once it's loaded, then return to stardoll as normal. The sword will be in your suite